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About us

Everyone involved with the Elk Industry should want to know what is going on and when… The Missouri Elk Farmers Association can help you stay abreast of important issues and concerns. We all know there is safety in numbers and to unify as a group and work together, our voice will be much louder and easier for our legislatures and government agencies to hear. MEFA has many brothers in this Agricultural fight and we have joined forces in the past to combat what we believe in. The Cattlemen's Assn. and Missouri's Farm Bureau are just a few who have helped us get our message across. Let's work together to keep our Industry strong!




The Missouri Elk Farmers Association works hard to advocate for the Missouri Elk Industry.  Anyone can join but in order to be a voting member you must own elk.  You can download the application HERE.



Meet our Board

President......................Branden Winner..........573-712-7680

Vice-President..............Rick Ewert..................715-560-1328

Secretary/Treasurer.....Kevin Hinkebein.........573-366-5846 

Northeast Director........Frankie Lollie.............660-385-2516

Northwest Director.......Robert Berendzen......573-424-8999 Southeast Director........Gary Berhorst............573-897-4262

Southwest Director.......Cindy Schamburg.......314-477-8915


Proud to be Associated With the American Cervid Alliance

Kevin Hinkebein, ACA Council Member for Missouri

mo elk farmers, elf farmers, elk farm, mefa, elk,  missouri elk farmers

Proud to be Involved With the Elk Research Council

To engage in steadfast research and education to enhance the knowledge, awareness, and benefits of the elk farming industry.

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